There’s a Better Way to Practice Law
Get short bi-weekly emails to help you build your law practice, your way (no matter your firm size).
We share the best ideas & original voices from around the world of law, psychology, technology, science, marketing, and entrepreneurship to get you there.

You’re in Good Company
Join forward thinking lawyers at leading firms from around the world who read our ideas and insights and who come to us for coaching. Don’t worry, we even got just as many solo practitioners and small firms.
As a partner, being successful was no longer defined by billable hours. I didn’t want to be dependent on others. I want to practice law differently. I wish I had started earlier. I am more confident in my efforts and less afraid of rejection, thanks to a push from Build Your Book by Aaron Baer and Dhawal Tank. I encourage all of the bright lawyers and students that I work with to start now!
I cringe when I hear the word business development- I picture sleazy marketers, false promises, fake laughs, manipulators….. you get the picture. Build Your Book shows and gives you the tools to design and build YOUR business development plan. In other words, you can be your AUTHENTIC SELF and attract the clients you want to work with it.
I have learnt there are small steps I can take every day that will help drive the growth of my practice, that there are principles of productivity and efficiency that I can adapt to deliver better value to my clients, that I can be intentional about building a practice rather than letting external forces guide my work. Most importantly, while doing all this, I shouldn’t lose sight of what’s important for me and my family. I couldn’t have asked for a better team to help me create a foundation for my practice.
The Era of the Authentic Lawyer
In an era of algorithms, intense competition, and more pressure than ever before, we need to re-think how we practice law. The answer isn’t working even harder. The answer lies in looking outside to see to think, act, and be different. To bring more of your real self out. We are living in the era of the authentic lawyer, and these are Our Principles.

Droplets Carve Mountains
We believe in small actions done daily & sustainably. Small changes in mindset, strategies and actions can carve exactly the career you want. That’s why our newsletter is short and focused on making droplet like changes everyday.
Abundance, Not Scarcity
The current paradigm tells us that there isn’t enough time, clients, opportunities, etc. This has caused us stress, pain, and put us on an endless chase to nowhere. The Authentic Lawyer looks at the world with the eyes of abundance. Turns out that when you do that, the doors open for you with more work, more freedom, and better pay.

Building Your Whole Self
When you try to be everything to everyone, you end up appealing to no one. The truth is that sharing your edges is the only way to set yourself apart, become memorable, and get the work you want. Plus, you’ll enjoy work a lot more.
Our Purpose

We are two friends who came together by chance. Aaron was a partner at a BigLaw firm, and Dhawal was a tech marketer and sales guy. We started talking to hundreds of lawyers across the world, started a top trending podcast, and started coaching others to build great careers and practices.
Since then, our ideas have reached tens of thousands of attorneys from around the world from our articles, podcast, and workshops.
Join the Authentic Lawyer Movement
We’re a group of lawyers from around the world at firms large & small who believe that authenticity is the true currency of branding, business development, and satisfaction in our legal careers.